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Pole & Tower Construction

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Lexington Helicopter Lift
Lexington Helicopter Transmission Line Maintenance
Lexington Helicopter Cell Tower Lift

Why Choose Us?

Unmatched Resources

To set ourselves apart from others, GeoHeli services Lexington with access to the greatest variety of aircraft, pilots, and specialists to ensure the perfect fit for your project.

Pole & Tower Expertise

Years of experience and countless projects across the country have honed our ability to provide pole, transmission, and tower construction. As a result, our team knows the most efficient and safest methods for your particular job.

Aerial Crane Installation, Maintenance, ROW, & Deconstruction for Pole & Tower Projects

Aerial cranes are the ideal solution for installing poles, stacking towers, and disassembling towers, because height is only an obstacle for ground cranes. Mount installation, wire stringing, and ROW maintenance are also common helicopter lift uses. Mount upgrades can be completed in minutes, and each of these services involves significant time and cost savings in comparison. Rotor-wing aircraft have become the standard for all of the above.

An unobstructed view of the area is important for ROW inspections, where helicopters have an obvious advantage over ground inspections. Checking for equipment and materials, debris, or damage to towers is among the routine work better performed with an aerial view. Because of a helicopter’s ability to hover, fly at lower altitude (than fixed wing aircraft), and easily navigate around structures, traditional methods are relegated to a secondary role.

GeoHeli can use our aerial assets in Kentucky to properly plan and budget your tower building project. Using our more sophisticated, and precise methods will allow for a much better experience overall.

Simplify logistical crew transport, planning, and execution for pole & tower construction. GeoHeli is your single source, nationwide solution, available at 855-712-3156.



Construction Lifts



Tons of Construction Equipment

GeoHeli’s Lexington Area Service vs. The "Competition"

Our tower repair, replacement, and antenna sticking projects are completed in 1-2 hours. Ground-based crews will take considerably longer, accumulating unnecessary costs. It's clear that the modern solution to transport and construction is here with GeoHeli.

Lexington Helicopter Radar Lift